Thursday 9 September 2010

widget E process

fig 1. No selections. Default widget state.

fig 2. Keyword entered, list of events has filtered out those which don't apply to current keyword. two events selected with radio boxes and dragged into the first group slot. Keywords affiliated with these events pop up in the tag cloud box. Energy display has been selected.

fig 3. New keyword search has filtered the events list again. More events have been selected and dropped into the second group slot. Total energy usage of each item is shown by size of its box within the group. This could be changed to just show the total energy usage without individual elements.


 - plus icon not needed for empty boxes. New boxes will generate when all spaces are used up.

 - Title of group not needed, tag cloud will be enough.

 - remove division between tag cloud and events.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grant,

    thanks for posting this. Could you please update it as we discussed last week? (no '+' and no horizontal separation within each bar)

    We also need a "select all" option, not sure where's the best place to have it.
    Could you also please try to leave only one empty slot at any given time?

